

Sponsor packages describe the details of the various sponsor packages available.

The order field controls the order in which packages are listed on the sponsor packages page.


This is used to add details of the sponsors.

The description can be formatted using markdown syntax.

Images can be uploaded and used in the description using the files field.


Additional files, such as images, can be uploaded so they can be referenced. These files are placed in MEDIA_ROOT/sponsors_files by default. This location needs to be writeable by the webserver for uploads to work.

Using files in templates

Uploaded files can be associated with a sponsor and a name in the admin interface which can be used with the sponsor_tagged_image templatetag in the templates.

The default wafer sponsor templates expect each sponsor to have an image labelled main_logo for use in the sponsor list.

Wafer also provides an example template block for adding sponsors as a footer to pages called sponsors_footer. This expects images labelled footer_logo.